Registrar Policies

See our Transcript Page to request transcripts and view associated policies.

Advanced Standing Policy
-通过考试:学生可以获得最多15个学分,以达到证书的要求, 通过大学水平考试计划(CLEP)的一般或学科考试或通过非传统教育支持辩护活动(DANTES)考试获得NMCC的文凭或副学士学位. 学院接受美国教育委员会(ACE)关于通过考试授予学分的可接受分数和学分的建议. 无论申请时的ACE推荐分数(普通考试或科目考试)是多少,都应作为学院授予此类学分的最低可接受分数. Requests must be submitted to the dean of students.
-根据工作经验:被录取的学生可以获得与他们注册的课程项目中必修课程直接相关的大量工作经验的课程学分, subject to approval of the appropriate instructors, department chairperson, and vice president. Any student seeking work-experience credit must submit a detailed resume of the activities or skills exercised on the job and a letter from the employer recommending the awarding of credit; the student must then be interviewed by the department chairperson and an appropriate instructor, whose recommendation must then be acted upon by the vice president.
Credit Transfer Policy
NMCC与高级学院和大学签订了一些专门的项目转学协议. 有兴趣转学到一个机构攻读学士学位的学生应该与他们的学术顾问讨论他们的目标,以确保他们在NMCC的学术课程的适当规划,并最大限度地提高转学学分的数量. For the transfer of courses not covered by a current transfer agreement, 学生转学的学院或大学对是否接受转学学分有最终决定权.

在与NMCC提供的课程相当的课程中,成绩达到C或以上的学生可以从认可机构获得转学分. Requests for transfer credit must be submitted to the dean of students, who determines the acceptability of outside courses. 接受转学分的课程不包括在NMCC的任何学生的平均成绩. 学院的政策是,如果学生目前就读于NMCC规定的两年制课程,那么从其他机构接受的学分不得超过6个学分.

  • 希望在NMCC注册期间就读其他机构的学生必须提出书面请求.
  • Requests must be approved by the advisor, department chairperson and the dean of students.
  • 书面批准和最终成绩应提交到永久成绩单上,作为转学学分.

英语区课程转学:任何转入文凭课程的学生将被允许使用最多六个英语转学学分,以满足NMCC英语要求. 转入我校副学士课程的学生,只要课程内容直接相关,最多可转6个英语学分(公共演讲为演讲), etc.).

  • Knowledgeable staff may be utilized to determine acceptability of transfer credit.
  • If course content is the same, similar or exceeds that offered at NMCC, full transfer creditwill be given.
  • If unable to determine acceptability, either the vice president, 部门主席或其他知识渊博的工作人员将联系协助.

职业实验室学分最多可达四个完整学期(通常为24学分).Credit for occupational lab may be fulfilled by one or more of the following methods:

  • 成功完成缅因州学徒委员会认可的学徒培训计划.
  • 成功完成熟练工考试的申请人可以提交书面申请获得实验学分.
  • 申请人目前注册或已完成内部培训,其中正式的学徒培训或考试不使用.

College Level Examination Program or the U.S. Armed Forces Institute – Students will be given up to fifteen hours towards a certificate, diploma or associate degree for CLEP or DANTES Examinations.
Nursing Program Guidelines:

  • 如果学生学习护理课程超过五年,则必须重修该课程. If the course(s) was taken within the past three to five years, the student may audit the lecture portion and does not need to re-do the clinical component.
  • Related science courses must be repeated if they were taken more then ten years previously.

有兴趣从缅因社区学院转学分到缅因大学系统内的特定大学的学生, MaineStreet 提供该社区大学的课程列表,这些课程通常被认为是等效课程, acceptable for transfer.

学生可以在学期的第一周退课,而不会受到学术或经济处罚*. 在学期第一周后退课的学生将被收取全额学费. For more information regarding withdrawal, see the college catalog.

Classes dropped after the mid-point of a semester will result in a failing grade.
* Winter Mini-Term
The regular add/drop policy does not apply to winter mini-term courses. 注册必须在开课前完成,第一次上课后退课的课程不予退款.

Withdrawal Policy
任何从NMCC退学的学生都需要填写一份正式的退学表格,该表格可以从学生主任那里获得. The student is also expected to have an exit interview. When circumstances prevent this, 学生或家长应写信给学生主任,说明要求学生离开的原因. The date of withdrawal will be the date the student signs the withdrawal form; refunds are also established by the date the student signs the withdrawal form.

对于那些非自愿与学院分离的学生(例如:纪律处分解雇),将在学生的成绩单上注明AW(行政撤回)的等级符号, non-payment of bills, etc.).